Photo Credit: Traverse Design Co.

12 Camper Door Makeover Ideas for Interior and Exterior Doors


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One question we’ve seen posed often in our RV Renovations Facebook group is how to update camper doors. Can you paint them? What paint should you use? How can you update the doors without paint?

Whether they are nicked and look worn or you want to give them a new look, updating your doors can be a fun way to add color to your space, as you’ll see in these camper door makeovers.

This article will share interior and exterior camper door makeover ideas along with resources to help you tackle this DIY project.

Interior Camper Doors

Photo Credit: whitefloridafarmhouse

1. Add wallpaper.

Adding wallpaper is a great way to introduce a pattern and add color. The gold on these bedroom doors matches the rest of the camper renovation, but the color doesn’t overwhelm the space since it’s patterned.

Your Turn: How to Hang Wallpaper in Your Camper

Photo Credit: Juliennne1

2. Paint

A little bit of paint is an easy way to add color, though this renovation took it a step further by creating a pattern in the wood grain!

More common would be to paint your doors to match your wall paint, like the two doors on either side of this entertainment center.

But you can get as crazy as you want, like in this wildly colorful renovation!

creative and colorful bedroom remodel in RV by the wandering wilsons

Chalkboard paint can also be a fun option, particularly if you’re artistic or have kids who love to draw!

RV decor for any holiday by Pam Bonham

3. Add a pattern.

Photo Credit: whitefloridafarmhouse

This is the most popular way we see doors being renovated inside RVs. You can create endless patterns by nailing or gluing (with a heavy-duty construction adhesive) thin pieces of wood.

Photo Credit: Embrace The Experience

After applying your wood pieces, you can paint the whole door to create a statement, like the orange one above.

Or keep it neutral, like in this Scandinavian-style renovation:

Photo Credit: Leah McCormick

Even if you paint the doors the same color as your walls, you can make a decorative statement by creating a small pattern like the one below.

Or create a bigger statement with a bold color!

Photo Credit: Traverse Design Co.

4. Swap for curtains

For fans of an open floorplan, remove the doors altogether and simply hang curtains.

Photo Credit Tomaz Coast to Coast

5. Replace or paint the doorknob.

Often, you see doorknobs completely replaced to fit a new design. This renovation painted the door and the doorknob before adding a sunburst effect spray painted to match the doorknob.

Photo Credit: bbandtherv

6. Replace the door.

Replacing doors can be costly, but it can be done if you have a damaged interior camper door or want a completely new style. This renovation added a barndoor on exposed tracks for a farmhouse-style renovation.

Photo Credit: Aryn Dedwylder

You may need to order or build custom doors to fit your space since camper doors aren’t always the same size as residential ones.

Photo Credit: Leah McCormick

Though this is the most expensive option, a beautiful door can make a great remodel look even more professional.

Photo Credit: Amber Woodruff

7. Add storage.

In an RV, you can never go wrong with adding a little storage!

Photo Credit: Lacey Tobie

Copy this inexpensive look:

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Exterior Camper Door Makeovers

Now let’s look at your exterior camper doors and a few ideas for giving them a makeover.

1. Replace or update the screen door.

Photo Credit: Dusty and Cory Caswell

The mesh screen was ripped from this frame and replaced with lace in this vintage gypsy remodel. Decorative metal hinges were added to complete the antique look.

Or you could be more functional, like this screen door update.

A simple mesh shoe holder was added to create out-of-the-way storage.

2. Paint.

If you’re already updating the exterior of your RV, a fresh coat of paint is the perfect way to give your door a refresh.

Read Next: How to Paint the Exterior of Your RV

vintage airstream exterior renovation
Photo Credit: Terri Closs

You can also paint the interior of your exterior door with spray paint to freshen up the color.

Photo from our Facebook group

3. Replace the door.

Replacing a camper door can be costly and difficult. These exterior doors vary in size and are often curved at the top. Few bold renovators attempt this makeover, but we love how this one by Gray Co. turned out!

Photo credit: @_gray_co_

See More: 14 RVs with Dark, Black Interiors

4. Decorate!

Photo Credit: whitefloridafarmhouse

Add a wreath or seasonal decor to your door to refresh your patio style.

Outside camper decorating ideas for Thanksgiving by Linda Pounds Dobson

Related: 21+ RV Patio and Campsite Decorating Ideas

5. Add wallpaper

Get bold like this Facebook group member did with the interior of her camper door!

Photo Credit: Samantha L.

Camper Door Makeover Ideas

Keep your RV looking beautiful with one of these camper door makeover ideas!

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