Even if you don’t plan to take your RV into freezing temperatures, sometimes temperatures can drop quicker than expected during your travels. Knowing how to protect your RV when you encounter freezing temps is key to still having an enjoyable and safe trip.
Swipe up for the full winter checklist.
Protect Your RV’s Plumbing & Water Connections
Ensure all water connection points are protected from freezing or are disconnected.
Protect Your RV’s Plumbing & Water Connections
Protect all pipes, hoses, and tanks from freezing temperatures.
Prepare Your Heating Sources
Check your heating system (or have it looked at) and do any routine maintenance outlined in your RV’s manual.
Prepare Your Heating Sources
Have a backup or secondary heating source ready for use, with at least one option that will work in case of power failure.
Swipe up to read the full checklist + learn how to winterize your RV.